
Hideaki Yamanobe

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New works by Hideaki Yamanobe ... more >

New solo exhibition with abstract works by the artist Hideaki Yamanobe (born 1964 in Tokyo, lives and works in Düsseldorf, Cologne and Tokyo) – works on canvas and paper will be shown.

Text on the works of Hideaki Yamanobe
by Matthias Pintscher (composer, conductor & art collector)

"Hideaki Yamanobe's works explore depth. And they do so with great consistency. They create layers and a unique perspective of our own perception. We encounter silence and a very personal depth of expression in these works. They are introspective, as it were, and yet charged. Hideaki's canvases and works on paper "ring". They are full of resonance and quiet spatiality.

I have always been interested in painting, which allows me to "hear" visual content... and on the other hand, I am interested in music, sound that can be seen and grasped.

This is precisely why Hideaki and I are artistically drawn to each other. We pursue the same goals and yet work in a completely different medium. Yet we work on the same "thing" and this is, I repeat myself, spatial depth and perspective in the visual and the sonorous.

Hideaki paints over his canvases. Many times. That's how this depth is created. Perspective. Immediately I think of another great master of overpainting, Mark Rothko. It is often the case that in Rothko's works you can no longer see the many underpainted layers. Sometimes it is even a very distant spectrum of colour that is in the background, often no longer perceptible but perceptible. That is why these works by Rothko and Yamanobe glow. One is aware of the silent, energetic sound in the underground, even without being able to actively see it.

On the other hand, I admire in Hideaki's works the incredible precision of creative thought and masterful execution of an idea. And it is immaterial whether he works on paper or canvas. The formats vary, the intention and aura is identical.

One of his works in my collection is titled "Snow Noise". The sound of the silence of snow. This is where the spirit of these particular works can be found. One of my favourite works is a small ink drawing. Just ink. But with the calculated thinning of the ink, Hideaki achieves an explosion of subtle colours at the edges of the ink... and yet no colours are applied other than those inherent in the black ink. This is the spirit of these wonderful works that tell of the implosion of colour and stillness."


14/03 – 03/05/2025

Friday 14 March
6 – 9pm
artist present

Special Opening Hours
Saturday 3 May
12 – 6pm

Opening Hours
Tue – Fri   12 – 6pm
Sat   12 – 4pm
and by appt.




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